Friday, April 30, 2010

Religious Tattoos

The idea of religious tattoos may seem counterintuitive, for several reasons – not only is tattooing prohibited by some religions, such as Orthodox Judaism, but until recently, tattoos were associated with a vaguely disreputable counterculture that seems at odds with religion.Religious TattoosHowever, religious symbols – Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, Islam or otherwise – are actually quite common tattoo designs. It might surprise you that about 25%...

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Tiger Tribal Tattoo

Tiger Tribal Tat...

Cool Tribal Tattoo ideas for Men

Cool Tribal Tattoo ideas for ...

Bird Tattoo Designs

Bird tattoos are one of the oldest tattoo designs of the Western world. Thanks to the old school revival, they are in vogue again. Most popular are swallow tattoos, followed by phoenix tattoos.swallow tattooswallow heart tattooBird Tattoofemale hummingbird tat...

Black Dragon Phoenix Tattoo

Dragon Phoenix Tat...

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Why Tribal Tattoos?

Natural Tribal TattoosTribal Tattoos are extremely popular and can add a distinct 'je ne sais quoi' to a person's character. The real beauty of tribal tattoos is that they don't have to be loud and obnoxious useless you want them to be, but rather subtle and stylish. It is a style that typically capitalizes on solid black lines and coloring (with some exceptions of course) and it is also composed of pointed and curved elements. It's bold and eye...

Tribal Tattoo, tattoo ideas

Tribal arm Tattoo ideasTribal tattoos, as the name implies, originated among Native American tribes and date back to over 5,000 years. Perhaps they are so prevalent among fraternity brothers due to the fact that the tattoos were originally applied to show loyalty to a particular tribe in native lands.Tribal Tattoo, tattoo ideasTattoos were also used to display a person's caste status, wealth, role in the tribe, even to document his brave deeds or...

Black Tribal Dragon Tattoos

Black Tribal Dragon TattoosWhen you are looking at black tribal dragon tattoos, make sure that you find a design that really speaks to you. In your mind, what is your dragon tattoo doing? Black tribal dragon tattoos are wonderful choices for any tattoo fan, so take a look at the tattoo art designs that are available and find the one that suits you the best!Black Tribal Dragon Tatt...

Butterfly tattoos Gallery

Butterfly tattoos are very popular amongst women and they come in all shapes, sizes and a wide range of colors. The most popular places for a butterfly tattoo are the upper arm and lower back.Butterfly tattoos for gi...

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Tribal Tattoo Gallery

Tribal tattoo designs are getting more and more popular these days, and it's not hard to see why. Popular designs are the tribal dragon, rose, crosses, the tribal sun, tiger, angel wings and the tribal bird.Tribal Back Tattoo for girlsTribal Back Tattoo for ...

Best Butterfly Tribal Tattoo

Best Butterfly Tribal Tattoo on back girls b...

Monday, April 26, 2010

tribal tattoos ideas for men

are u men like tattoo? and searching high and low for the best tribal tattoos for men ? you must check this photo:tribal tattoos ideas for mentribal sunflower tat...

Colorful upper arm tattoo

Colorful upper arm tattoo ideas for wo...

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Cute Fairy Tattoos for Women

Cute Fairy Tattoos for WomenHave you been looking for a cute fairy tattoos? These are not only very popular they are also a great tattoo to get for the first one or even for a seasoned tattoo veteran. If you are thinking about getting a fairy tattoo then you might be interested in this article. It will discuss the benefits of getting a fairy tattoo design, some of the costs and possible locations for the desi...

Saturday, April 24, 2010

tribal back tattoos for women

tribal back tattoos for womenWhen it comes to women and tattoos, some of the most popular designs can be found on the lower back – as well as the location, there are certain tattoos that are also more popu...

Friday, April 23, 2010

Shoulder Tribal Tattoos

Shoulder Tribal Tattoos for menShoulder tribal tattoos are very fashionable despite the fact that the tattoos are not visible at all times in public places except when in beaches and other places where men do not wear shirts and females wear swimsuits. They have magnificent designs plus their placement on the body makes them easy to hide. The tattoos are there and they reflect your personality without you having to irritate others in relation to...

Thursday, April 22, 2010

calf tattoo for girls

What are some benefits of choosing a tattoo that can be placed on the calf? Benefits that can be seen from tattoos that are placed on the calf is the larger amount of area that you can use while completing the tattoo. Through the calf tattoo you are easily able to complete a variety of designs. Through the designs that can be completed on the calf you can choose from traditional designs, but it is also an area where you can choose from modern de...

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Advantages of tribal tattoo designs

Tribal tattoos can be inked on any portion of the body. Their thick, black curving lines and interlocking patterns give them a bold visual appeal that looks good on many of the standard tattoo locations, such as the upper arm, the back or the lower ba...

Placement of Tribal Armband Tattoos

A tribal armband tattoo always goes on the arm by nature. When the design is done on the wrist it is often referred to as a bracelet or cuff design. Tribal Armband tattoos, therefore, are most often placed on the upper arm typically where your bicep muscle is the largest. Thus it extenuates the muscle in your arm. However they can also be placed on the forearm as an alternative but they are then much more visible so this needs to be considered b...

Tribal armband tattoos

Tribal armband tattoos are symbols of power that have been worn by many cultures for thousands of years. Not only do they look powerful but they are a way to connect to the animal and natural world.Shoulder Tribal Armband TattooBicep Tribal Armband TattooMaori Tribal Armband TattooHawaiian Tribal Armband Tat...

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Flower Tattoos

As with the real thing, flower tattoos are both beautiful and symbolic of many things. A lily alone, for example, means different things in different cultures. For some it is a symbol for purity and for others can represent erotic love.For Asian cultures, the heavily symbolic lotus flower brings good luck, tranquility and rebirth. Whatever flower you choose to represent on your skin, whether alone or in a bouquet, can make a profound statement...

Tribal Turtle Tattoo

So you are ready to get a new tattoo and you have decided that you want a tribal turtle tattoo. You are about to put a permanent piece of artwork on your body so make sure you do the proper research before getting your new ink. There are many things to consider before getting a new tattoo, so I hope these recommendations can help.It is more than likely that you have already gone to Google images to find artwork. The problem with this is that so has...

Tribal Back Tattoo for men

Tribal Back Tattoo for menTribal Back Tattoo for menTribal Back Tattoo for men...

Monday, April 19, 2010

Armband Tattoo Designs

Do you think want to get Armband Tattoo Designs? There are some common things to base your considerations. Getting a tattoo design the most perfect of course not easy, but if you have a lot of time in order to see the gallery tattoo is easier to sort through your options. Bracelet Design Tattoo Designs really very popular and there are so many designs out there. But each of their designs are different.To find a good idea you can see the tattoo designs...

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Tattoo Designs For Feet

Anyways peeps there really are some stunning Tattoo Designs For Feet out there and as ever I am gonna show ya 10 of the best and then show ya a lil video on Tattoo Designs For Feet for girls so anyone looking for an idea on a foot tattoo get ready to look and see if ya fancy any of these feet. Tattoo Designs For Feet Tattoo Designs For Feet Tattoo Designs For Feet Tattoo Designs...